Bathroom Leakage Treatment

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Bathroom Leakage Treatment

Bathroom Leakage and Seepage is a very common problem in Pakistan for number of houses and flats or resident units. Water Leakage and Seepage of flats are generally removed without dismantling the unit. It has been observed that urea and uric acid are main disturbing source of water flow in bathroom (sewerage) lines.Lines leak generally from joint or on main line, due to chemical action.Defective bathrooms fitments such as bathtubs, shower tray or hand wash basin or the improper installation of pipe work or necessary sealant. This action cause micro hole or cracks in the system. Our process is after cleaning the lines below the sealing “Super mega Leakage control chemical” inside by means of air pressure, to fill all the gapes (grouting) of glazed tiles joints & Floor points of the

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